Understanding React Native File Structure: A Guide for Beginners

When you start a React Native project, it’s essential to understand the file structure to maintain a scalable, organized, and manageable codebase. React Native provides a default project structure when you create a new project using the CLI or Expo. While this structure might look simple at first glance, as your project grows, organizing files and directories becomes crucial.

Default React Native File Structure

When you create a new React Native app, you’ll get a folder structure like this:

├── android/
├── ios/
├── node_modules/
├── src/
├── App.js
├── package.json
├── index.js
├── babel.config.js
├── metro.config.js
└── .gitignore

Let’s break down each of these directories and files and understand their purpose:

1. android/

The android directory contains all the platform-specific code required for your app to run on Android devices. This includes Java/Kotlin code, Gradle build files, and other Android-specific configurations.

  • android/app/src/main: The main directory for Android source files.

  • android/app/build.gradle: The build configuration file for Android.

  • android/gradle/wrapper: Contains the necessary files for building your Android app with Gradle.

This directory is essential if you're working with native Android code or need to modify Android-specific configurations.

2. ios/

Similar to the android/ directory, the ios/ folder contains all the necessary files for building your app for iOS. It includes the Xcode project files, native code, and iOS-specific configuration files.

  • ios/YourAppName.xcodeproj: The Xcode project file that you open in Xcode to manage your iOS app.

  • ios/Podfile: Contains the dependency management configurations for iOS using CocoaPods.

  • ios/Pods/: Contains all the native dependencies for iOS managed by CocoaPods.

If you are targeting iOS, you’ll need to understand how to modify files in this folder.

3. node_modules/

This is where all your project’s dependencies are installed via npm or yarn. When you install libraries (like React Navigation, Axios, etc.), they get stored here. You usually don’t need to touch this directory directly.

It is important to note that you should never commit this directory to version control because it contains third-party libraries that can be reinstalled via your package.json.

4. src/

The src/ folder is not created by default, but it’s a common practice to create this folder for organizing your source code. Most React Native projects include a src/ directory that contains:

  • components/: Reusable UI components like buttons, inputs, headers, etc.

  • screens/: Different views or screens for your app (e.g., Home, Profile, Settings).

  • services/: Network requests, API calls, or any logic for interacting with databases, servers, etc.

  • assets/: Images, fonts, or other static files used in the app.

  • redux/ (if using Redux): For actions, reducers, and store configuration if you’re using state management libraries like Redux.

By organizing your project this way, you can easily locate the files, improve code reusability, and keep your project scalable.

5. App.js

The App.js file is the entry point of your React Native application. This is where your component tree begins. All other components (screens, UI elements) are imported and used inside App.js. It serves as the main container for your app’s user interface.

import React from 'react';
import { SafeAreaView, Text } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Text>Hello, React Native!</Text>

export default App;

6. package.json

This is a key file that contains metadata about your project, including dependencies, scripts, and configuration options for tools like Babel and Webpack. When you install packages using npm or yarn, the package.json file gets updated with the library and version number.

Important sections in package.json:

  • scripts: Commands to run tests, build, or start the project (e.g., npm start, npm test).

  • dependencies: Lists all the packages required for the app.

  • devDependencies: Packages required only during development (e.g., testing frameworks).

7. index.js

The index.js file is where React Native hooks into the native application. It registers the root component of your app (usually App.js) with AppRegistry, telling React Native which component to display.

import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
import App from './App';
import { name as appName } from './app.json';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);

8. babel.config.js

This file contains the Babel configuration for your app. Babel is used to compile modern JavaScript into backward-compatible versions, enabling the usage of ES6+ features in your React Native code. You generally won’t need to modify this unless you’re customizing your Babel setup.

9. metro.config.js

This is the configuration file for Metro, the bundler that React Native uses to compile and serve your JavaScript code. It controls how assets like images, fonts, and JavaScript files are bundled. Most apps don’t need to modify this file, but you might want to if you need custom configurations for bundling.

10. .gitignore

This file is used to tell Git which files and directories to ignore when pushing to a repository. It typically includes things like the node_modules/ directory, build artifacts, and system files (like .DS_Store).

Organizing Your React Native Project for Scalability

As your React Native app grows, you’ll need to manage your codebase more efficiently. Here are some tips to keep your project organized:

  1. Separate UI from Business Logic: Use separate folders for UI components (screens, buttons, etc.) and logic (state management, network calls).

  2. Use Constants and Configuration Files: For things like API endpoints, app settings, and theme colors, create constants or configuration files in a dedicated folder.

  3. Modularize Components: Keep your components small, focused, and reusable. Break down large components into smaller ones to keep them easy to manage.

  4. Leverage State Management: Use libraries like Redux, MobX, or React Context to manage global state in large applications.

  5. Follow Naming Conventions: Stick to a consistent naming convention for files and folders. This makes it easier for other developers to understand and navigate your code.


Understanding the React Native file structure is crucial for building and maintaining scalable and efficient apps. As your project grows, a well-organized file structure will save you time and effort in the long run. Follow best practices, keep your code modular, and always aim for clarity to make your development experience smooth and your app scalable.